

World Travels by Casey

Before summer ended, another visit to Canada

This should have been posted last summer! Yikes! Talk about a late posting! 

I took the bolt bus back to Canada, one last trip before the North American summer ended, was in order. Not to mention another exciting adventure with Alain! 

Blurry street art photo I took as I drove by. 

We had a pretty packed 2 weeks including another trip to whistler but this time we only spent a day. A FULL day! Crank Works was an event going on in this beautiful mountain village! It's a really popular event that happens every year attracting mountain bikers from all over the world! 

Looking down at the village from the mountainside (under the chairlifts). 

It was pretty awesome to watch the pro bikers haulin down the mountain side and hitting extreme jumps! 

Flippin' fantastic is what that is! 

The village was buzzing (Yep! Just like bees!) with vendors and biker enthusiasts! I definitely recommend this event even if you aren't really into mountain biking. Maybe have somewhat of an intrest in watching a little of it though. Wink, wink! 

An artsy bike shot. 

Oddly enough there was also a cheese event going on way up the mountain where there was a massive tent full of different cheeses to taste. 

This tent was massive and square with sampling tables filling the peremiter. 

We went to the night market in North Van. and ran into some friends of Alain's.
This market was a lot like portlands saturday market. Lots of art & craft vendors and food trucks. The vibe was super fun and it was the perfect temp out. Warm summer nights are my favorite! 

The night market food trucks area.
The ESL ice bucket challenge was going on during the time of this visit and I didn't really understand what it was or all about until I was nominated to complete it, of course! My dear friend Justin from Salem Oregon nominated me. 
So I did my research and decided I needed to either do it in a super cool location or in a super cool way. So I did both! We headed back to Lynn Canyon and unfoutenetly it wasn't as a warm of a day as the last time I was there. Alain and I hiked down to the Icey pools, I said my speech and made the plunge! Brrr!!!! I posted the video on FaceBook! You can hear the chill in my voice. 

The plunge! 

"It's Freakin freezin Mr. Bigglesworth!"

And my mission is completed! 

A super fun city tour into areas I hadn't been to yet was another adventure accomplished. 
We took the sea bus into downtown Vancouver, than the sky train/ underground train deeper into the city 
And from there took a cute little ferry boat across to an arts district. 

These little taxis were small and adorable! 

A long walk around the water. Oh so beautiful! 

We visited a Crossfit box in the city that Alain's cousin goes to. The place was crazy coo! They had a locked door with one of those key cards to get in because of the homeless. All the equipment was Rouge brand which = money! But it was a beautiful sight to see. 

Meg is one of Alain's best friends sho lives on Vancouver island in Victoria. We paid her a weekend visit, backpacker style! Took public transportation all the way to her with our packs on our back. 
We toured around city, ate at some good local spots and did a cool hike up to train trusses. I also found a hard cider I really enjoyed but I now can't find it in the states. Of course! 

Alain and I at a cool historical house. 

Same house, new photo opp.! 

The hard cider.

High tea anyone? 

The wonderful Meg and her partner in crime, Alain. We are at the top of the hike.

On our way back to North Van. by way of public transportation we stopped at the airport to pick up Dom. Alain's son. He flew down from Prince George to spend some time with his dad and road trip back to Oregon with us for Labor Day weekend. This was my first time meeting Dom. and I could tell he was a good kid and clearly had some strong Alain genes! 
We went to the PNE on one of our last evenings in vancouver. It's like a fairgrounds that's always there. Similar to oaks park of Portland, Oregon but without the skating rink and way bigger and much cooler! 

Some cool street art on the walk to the PNE.

Alain and Dom. 

The next day we all packed up the condo Alain had been living in and took it to storage. He'd be moving to Prince George to be closer to Dom when he returned from Oregon. 

And at last we were on our way to Oregon. This would be Dom's first time crossing over boarders in a vehicle and not flying. Of course he'd mention the word "Bomb" while we were waiting in mine at the boarder with mini microphones surrounding us! Thankfully they didn't search us. 

It's been real! Until we meet again, Canada! 

Sunset at the PNE.
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